Episode III 3

Would I prefer not to be calm and coucou?
Would I prefer not to be at the sea?

Would I prefer not to have success?
Would I prefer not to announce?
Would I prefer not to go against my inner truth?
Would I prefer not to get lost?

Would I prefer not to dream?
Would I prefer not to bite with my teeth?
Would I prefer not to buck her off?

Would I prefer not to panicking around?
Would I prefer not to get the infusion?

Would I prefer not to travel around?
Would I prefer not to be free?
Would I prefer not to be me?
Would I prefer not to be you?
Would I prefer not to love?
Would I prefer not to die?
Would I prefer not to lie?
Would I prefer not to?


Performances in Schwabing-Freimann:

We get lost on the long way to Sacramento like Zorro, Gringo and Zapata in Münchner G’schichten by Helmut Dietl once did …

Starting point: historical medical animal clinic of the LMU Munich Veterinärstraße 13, Munich
2o.08. / 27.08. / 31.08. / 03. or 04.09. depends on weather we will be present from 7pm at the clinic for a meet & greet before we start walking

Starting point: Metropol Theater Munich 07.09

Sustained by Bezirk Schwabing-Freimann